LearnTech Asia Conference 2016
Kydon Group, Singapore
My Role:
Graphic Design, Web Design & Development
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, WordPress
LEARNTech Asia showcases innovation and resources in learning by all communities in Asia. Through conferences and webinars, education and technology experts meet to discuss trends and share solutions.
My Role and Challenges
I spearheaded the creative design and development of the conference held in 2016. This is the first job I ever took in Singapore. It was hard to adjust to a different country, culture, environment, and people. It took time but there were a handful of people who guided me through this process.
I produced the visual media campaign for social media, online ads, print collaterals, and magazine articles. I made sure the overall branding is consistent across all print and web collaterals.

I also built the conference website using WordPress. And sold tickets using Eventbrite plugins.

The Outcome
It was hard to manage everything alone. I was a one-man team while adjusting to the new environment and culture. But all hard work bears fruit in the end. The company absorbed me and apppointed to spearhead the design and development of print/web communication materials on a business group level for Kydon Group.